Saturday, September 19, 2009

Games of yore.

My yore, not yours. Not NES and Atari. N64. PlayStation2. That yore.
My first console was the Nintendo 64, and what a first system! The N64 was the made in the true glory days of Nintendo, when the games they made weren't all casual garbage. I remember playing Mario Kart 64. That game ruled. I always played as Bowser, or Donkey Kong. I liked the big guys because I could kick Toad all over the track. Toad sucks. And that darn Bowser Castle track was impossible! I ran that thing five times and got rocked every single lap by those blue bricks! Another game I remember was Goldeneye. Some say that was the best game ever, I never got to play it since it was so violent, but I watched my brother play it and I was captivated. His best strategy was to shoot at the muzzle flashes in the windows, it hardly ever worked.
On the topic of FPS's (First Person Shooters, learn the acronyms!) a good one that was NOT on the N64 was Counter-Strike. It, like Goldeneye, was too violent for me but I still watched. It was challenging, it was like the Rainbow Six of yesteryear. Be quick on your feet or die! But I forgot about all that as soon as I got my little mits on a PlayStation.
One of the only games I remember on the PlayStation one was a snowboarding game. I believe it was called Snowboarding. It was awesome, I always picked the guy in the t-shirt. Who wore a t-shirt snowboarding?! That cool guy in Snowboarding does.
And lastly, the PS2, a bastion of greatness. The home of Sly Cooper 2, Guitar Hero, Marvel Vs. Nemesis, CoD. It was amazingness, I never had the graces of online, but the single player games rocked, and my buddies were willing for multiplayer all the time. It was a blast had by all.
So in a quick summary those are the games of my memories! Now of course it's all about the newest thing so it's kind of nice to reminisce.

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