Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Well it's football season, and let me tell you what that means. It means I need my Madden fix. Normally, I stay away from sports video games. Why live out the fantasy of doing something if I can just go and do it in real life? That's why I mostly play shooters. I don't know where our future is taking us but if it ends up that we have to shoot terrible monsters and super-armored space marines, I'm probably going to be hiding somewhere. But not in video game land!
But I digress. Back to football season. Watching the on television accomplishments of NFL teams like the Ravens, Giants, and my favorite, Da Bears, triggers something in me that makes me want to play a good football game. Believe it or not one franchise has quite the monopoly on that area, and that franchise is none other that Madden! Madden (well any football game really, but madden does it best) is fun just because it lets you give your favorite team a second chance. Did the Texans get whipped by the Patriots, AGAIN? Well maybe in Madden, those Patriots can kneel before the might of the Houston Texans!
That's all I've got to say.
I need to work on these conclusions.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Goals for the site!

I'll put this up in a list form, because everyone loves lists.
1. Add pictures to my posts: walls of text, while informative, are boring.
2. Get more interesting ideas: I'm a literary genius, and you deserve better than what you have gotten.
3. Learn how to add videos: This would've been good for my AVGN post instead of just a link. Even though you get the info, I should still make it easier.
I'll think of more later, but I doubt I'll post about it. I've started many sites in the past, maybe I'll tell you them later, but for now I just want to dedicate my efforts to the well-fare of Dans Game Stuff.

Why I use Bolt-Action rifles in World at War.

It's mostly for one reason, they're cool. They do the best job of all the guns of truly immersing you in the game, they're authentic! Many people who use SMG's use them for kills, and kills alone. I of course use them, but they are so boring. If you want a machine gun then just play Call of Duty 4. That's what the whole game is about! I play World at War because I want to play an authentic, great World War 2 game. Not CoD4 with Nazi's.
I'll put up a better post later.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Games of yore.

My yore, not yours. Not NES and Atari. N64. PlayStation2. That yore.
My first console was the Nintendo 64, and what a first system! The N64 was the made in the true glory days of Nintendo, when the games they made weren't all casual garbage. I remember playing Mario Kart 64. That game ruled. I always played as Bowser, or Donkey Kong. I liked the big guys because I could kick Toad all over the track. Toad sucks. And that darn Bowser Castle track was impossible! I ran that thing five times and got rocked every single lap by those blue bricks! Another game I remember was Goldeneye. Some say that was the best game ever, I never got to play it since it was so violent, but I watched my brother play it and I was captivated. His best strategy was to shoot at the muzzle flashes in the windows, it hardly ever worked.
On the topic of FPS's (First Person Shooters, learn the acronyms!) a good one that was NOT on the N64 was Counter-Strike. It, like Goldeneye, was too violent for me but I still watched. It was challenging, it was like the Rainbow Six of yesteryear. Be quick on your feet or die! But I forgot about all that as soon as I got my little mits on a PlayStation.
One of the only games I remember on the PlayStation one was a snowboarding game. I believe it was called Snowboarding. It was awesome, I always picked the guy in the t-shirt. Who wore a t-shirt snowboarding?! That cool guy in Snowboarding does.
And lastly, the PS2, a bastion of greatness. The home of Sly Cooper 2, Guitar Hero, Marvel Vs. Nemesis, CoD. It was amazingness, I never had the graces of online, but the single player games rocked, and my buddies were willing for multiplayer all the time. It was a blast had by all.
So in a quick summary those are the games of my memories! Now of course it's all about the newest thing so it's kind of nice to reminisce.

I am smart and you are stupid.

I have a lot of complaints with games, mainly the behavior of some people online. Their actions seriously make me not believe in people sometimes. EXAMPLE ONE! If I am playing Gears of War 2 online, and you are on my team, pick me up when I'm down next t0 you! It's common sense, you should hardly even think about it. Secondly, don't steal my kill! If you are not on my friends list, you are not allowed to do it. I worked towards killing that alien/Nazi and if you take it from me I will do everything in my power to make the rest of your game miserable!
Note to game makers, if there is something in your game that I want to do, and I cannot, you did not complete the game. Take it back and finish it please. In this day and age if I can think of something that I want to do (Within the pretenses of the game, I'm not going to want to pick flowers in Street Fighter) I should be able to do it! I want to shoot myself in the foot in CoD (Call of Duty, I'm not repeating what CoD means so you better get used to acronyms) and hurt myself. I want to choose which way I cut you in half with my chainsaw in Gears of War then I should. If I want to have a commit suicide option in Left 4 Dead because the stress of the zombie apocalypse is too much for me then why can't I? And too every game designer out there, if you're thinking how to write a story for your game, play Mass Effect and take notes.

The Angry Video Game Nerd

AKA JamesNintendoNerd, is one of my favorite things on YouTube. He gets old games for the NES, SNES, Atari 2600 etc, and plays them. His character is perfect, since in one of his reviews on Cinemassacre.com proves him to be a mild-mannered, relaxed person. but his YouTube Channel displays an angry nerd! Using hilarious combinations of swear words, I laugh every video, even if I've already seen it. Click HERE for one of my favorites. Anyway I like it, and I hope you do too!

Everyone loves lists.

First post, here we go. A new era of video game blogging for me. Lets kick things off with a list, eh? Everyone loves lists!
First off! The games I own
1. Gears of War 2 (360)
2. Call of Duty: World at War (360)
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360)
4. The Orange Box (360)
5. Fable 2 (360)
6. Fallout 3 (360)
7. Rock Band 2 (360)
8. Gears of War 1 (360)
9. Street Fighter 4 (360)
10. Left 4 Dead (360)
As you can tell I'm a 360 kid. My family does own a Wii, but it is currently loaned out to one of my brothers, who seems to have no intention of returning it, so it is not being counted. I also have a PS2 but considering that I brought in well over half of my library of games for the PS2 it is not being counted, and because it's last gen. Not even CLASSIC last gen! just boring old last gen. One more thing! I used to have more 360 games, but like my PS2 games, they have been brought to GameStop for something more enjoyable, namely World at War and Street Fighter 4! CONTINUING ON! Further establishing the point that everyone loves lists, I will now share with you, MY TOP 5! Here we go. Pre-requisites for the top 5- Making me want to play them again and again, rocking. In no particular order, let's go.
1. Gears of War 2
2. Street Fighter 4
3. Call of Duty: World at War
4. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
5. Fallout 3
Obviously I love me some shootin' games, but you can't go wrong with a good Role-Player. I might talk a bit more about each of them if I feel like it, but for now lets continue on! I DO have Xbox Live, my gamertag is dannydude1, so if you share my favorites it's go time. Anyway, Adios! I'll see you in the next post!